When your brain has a jam-packed schedule, it leaves little room for creative thought.
• Too much process and too many meetings suffocate the brain. They steal all those moments in between where creativity hides. The brain needs time and space, to think, make connections, wander, let the synapses work their magic. Creativity is not a task that gets checked off the to-do list.
• Some of our greatest thinkers did four hours a day of focused hard work. (People like Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin). The rest of the time, they let the brain do its thing.
• Don’t get me wrong, a looming deadline can panic the brain into action as well, but we all know our best ideas often come in the shower or on a walk. Those times when ideas flow naturally versus being forced out under duress.
• Make room in your day for your own brain time, and let other people have theirs