26 Tested Advertising Appeals
That were true, are true, and will always be true.
In this ever-shifting world with all the brilliant new technology, it is deliciously tempting to change everything all the time. Human nature craves and celebrates new things. People assume “new” means cooler, more advanced, better. In a lot of cases, that’s true, but in many cases, absolutely untrue. Often times, we get new for new’s sake.
This feels like a good moment in time to remind ourselves about what never changes, human desire.
John Caples, a long-time BBDO VP and member of the Copywriters Hall of Fame, created this list of 26 tested and timeless advertising appeals. During a 50+ plus career in the business, he used direct male testing and keen insight to understand what human beings have always wanted, want, and will want forever. Your brand certainly delivers at least one of these appeals. Knowing which can help you shape your message to resonate more deeply and sell more effectively.
As David Ogilvy, I believe, said: “Advertising is not about what changes, it’s about what never changes.” That means the most finely tuned skill we can have is knowing what should change, and what should never change.
So, while we appreciate all that is new, let’s not forget one simple question: why does someone want or need to buy your brand? Likely because it meets one of these fairly basic and eternally true benefits.